Research Objectives
The University of Tsukuba has launched the Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC) in April, 2017. To address global issues on sustainable food and energy solutions, the center aims at supporting research and development on “food-security” and “eco-security”, and at accelerating the process of its industrial applications, working together with domestic and international private and public sector. T-PIRC is composed of five divisions, a Joint Usage/Research Center, as a ‘Plant Transgenic Design Initiative (PTraD)’ appointed by MEXT), and twounits. By integrating these research units, we develop a “one-stop shop” for plant biotechnology and bioresource use/reuse covering basic andapplied gene research to the industrial application, which will contribute to a sustainable society. In addition, the outcome of cutting-edge research activities for industrial applications is expected to contribute to development of human resources and venture companies.
For the further development of plant biotechnology, we will continue to increase our effort to build an important global base for research and development on plant biotechnology and bioresource use/reuse and its industrial applications. We would appreciate your continued support and encouragement.
- Director of the Tsukuba-Plant
Innovation Center, Tsukuba University
Naoya Fukuda